How Andrew Smith (Probably) Saved My Life
This is a picture of Andrew Smith, my all time favorite author. Over the past weekend, I got to meet him, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Now, you may be wondering why this guy is not just my all time favorite author, but also one of my favorite people, and I am going to tell you all about it. Two and a half years ago, I didn’t even know who this guy was, let alone that he wrote books. I was really big into BookTube, and even though I didn’t make videos, I loved being a part of the community. One day, I heard about Winger , and honestly I wasn’t really interested in the book. I had heard so many good things about it though that I had to read it, and I am so glad I did. Within five pages, I kid you not, it was my favorite book, and it still is today. Over the span of my life, I have read over 300 books, and I have never been more attached to a set of characters. Ryan Dean stole my heart from the minute I met him, and his story then shattered my heart into a...
Heyyyyy sisssss mwahhh miss yaaa