My Top 5 Books of 2016 So Far

Hello everyone! Since we just past the mid point of the year, I thought I would talk about my top 5 favorite reads so far. These are in no particular order and weren't neccassarily publish in 2016, but all are books that have stood out to me!

For a long time, I was procastinating reading Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe because I thought it was fantasy. That being said, I am so glad I just read the synopsis and figured out it was contemporary. From the first page, I absulutely fell in love with this book, and it automatically became one of my favorites. It was so poetic and beautiful, and the characters were fantastic.

See my review here

I’ve read other adult books, but Tell The Wolves I’m Home was the first adult book I completely loved and couldn’t get enough of. I think part of why I connected to the story is because it’s from the point of view of a fifteen year old girl, which was that age I was when I read this. I also really like how realistic and honest the story was told. There was no sugar coating. This is a sad one, but at the same time a delight!

See my review here

Tweak is from another genre that I don’t particularly enjoy: biographies. I probably wouldn’t have read it if I wasn’t familiar with the author, Nic Sheff, who wrote Schizo, which I really enjoyed. So, I was at the used bookstore and saw Tweak so I picked it up. I was instantly hooked, and finished it two days. I them immediately read the sequel, We All Fall Down. These two book dealt with so many issues, and I found it really consoling to what I was going through at the time.

See my review here

I totally had the wrong impression of All the Bright Places. I thought it would be this cutesy little romance with happy ending, but that’s not what I got. Instead I got a deeply emotional and heart breaking plot that was incredibly beautiful. If I got to choose one book that everyone had to read, it would probably be this one. I’m just astounded by this book. And it was a debut.

See my review here

A debut, An Ember in the Ashes definitely blew me away. Although it was a fantasy, it reflected so much on our society and made so many intense comments on our world. Basically, the world in this book emphasized every problem we have in our world, and seriously makes the reader think. I’m so glad I picked this one up, and can’t wait for the sequel in August.

See my review here


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