Tell The Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt (2012)

Alright, so this was incredibly well-written, and the fact that it was in the 80s only helped. I honestly never realised how much plot devices like text messaging and online conversations took from a story, until I read Tell The Wolves I’m Home, which was set in an era that didn’t allow for those devices. Speaking of the era, I felt like Carol Rifka Brunt did a wonderful job describing the vibes surrounding the 80s. Every time I read from this book, I felt like I was time traveling to a place where our modern world began to unravel. And, while this book isn’t filled with dragons, fights, and spaceships, the plot always stayed interesting. I thought maybe there would be one or two secrets that would be revealed, but I was constantly shocked with every turn the plot took. Every character experienced their own growth, even the ones that didn’t have a huge part of the story, which definitely reveals how a family can affect each other, no matter their relationship. So, while these are all great aspects, and you should definitely read this book (!!!), my favorite part of the book was that fact that it was the truth. There was no sugar-coating the situation, or a happy ending that wasn’t realistic, but it was always relatable.
An unexpected joy, Tell The Wolves I’m Home is one that meant for the masses.
5 Stars
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