2017 September Wrap Up + October TBR

So I just counted and it looks like I’ve read 11 books in the month of September! Part of it is that I just got into audio books and listened to 4 this month and read a graphic novel, which I flew through. Still, that means I got through six novels on top of college, something I’m really proud of! Check them out:

First I read/listened to Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. This has been on my TBR forever so I’m really glad I got to finally read it especially since I enjoyed it so much. It was great to be back in the world of Shadowhunters and catch up on the story of Julian and Emma. 4 Stars

Read my review here

I got a chance to read the ARC of Girls Made of Snow and Glass from Netgalley next. Overall, it was just an okay book for me. It’s a retelling of Snow White that has underlying themes of feminism, which I enjoyed. However, I didn’t really care about the story and the writing wasn’t great. 3 Stars

Read my review here

Ever since its release The Gentleman’s Guide for Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee has been getting crazy hype, so I was expecting a lot from this book. While it was good, I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I wanted too. Still, I was addicted to the story and gave it 4 Stars.

Read my review here

One of my wonderful librarians gave me a ARC copy of Warcross by Marie Lu to read a couple days before it came out. This book is jam packed with technology speak and girl power, two things that always go together in my mind. I also really liked the interesting power plays in this book and also gave it 4 Stars.

Read my review here

Next I listened to Shatter Me, which had the most annoying narrator I’ve ever heard in my entire life. I originally read this book in 2012 and wanted to refresh my mind on the story because three more books in the series are coming out. I enjoyed it less the second time but still plan on picking up the sequel soon.

Read my review here

I decided to give Victoria Schwab one last chance and read her adult novel A Darker Shade of Magic. I am glad to say I liked it so much better than her young adult novels. The magic system was unique but confusing at times. I also like the arc of the characters but felt they were overall undeveloped so I gave it 4 stars.

Read my review here

I finally got to pick up the fifth book in the Falling Kingdom series, Crystal Storm. Unfortunately, it seems like this series is going downhill. I loved the first two, thought the next two were good, but this one was just okay. I had to drag myself through the story and since it had been so long since I read the last one I was confused at times. 3 Stars

Next I listened to The Raven Boys by Maggie Stievater. This was another reread for me and I really liked it. For some reason, I gave up this series a while ago but wanted to get back into it. The magical realism aspects were super cool and I liked how all the loose ends wrapped up. I gave this one 4 stars.

Read my review here

I was in the mood for something short so I read the graphic novel Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story. Margaret Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood and is someone I know a lot about. If I didn’t, this book would’ve been beyond confusing. It was patchy and not readable so I gave is 2 Stars.

The Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera was my most anticipated read of 2017 and I am overall happy with it. Originally, I had given this book a lower rating but as I was writing the review I realized how much I loved it. I still had some problems, yet it still deserves at least 4 Stars.
Read my review here

Lastly, I got to listen to one of my favorite books of all time, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. I got to much out of the audiobook and loved the voice of Lin-Manuel Miranda. I just love Ari and Dante and my heart is full. Obviously 5 stars.

Read my (outdated) review here

College is definitely getting the best of me write now with homework. I am in the middle of two books but I barely have anytime to read. So, my TBR list is pretty short considering I’ll be happy if I just get through some books.

I only really want to get to The Dream Thieves, sequel to The Raven Boys. I think this would be a really fun book to read around Halloween and I really want to get back into the story soon. I might even listen to the audiobook for this one.


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