2016 October Wrap-Up & November TBR

Even though I was super busy during October, it surprisingly became a good month of reading for me. I read a total of eight books and one novella. Take a look:

After reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, I really wanted to go more into the Harry Potter world. So, I went back and re-read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Honestly, I didn’t like it as much as I did as a child. Is that totally terrible to say? It still has a great place in my heart, and is responsible for my love of reading, but I just didn’t like it this time, mostly because I didn’t enjoy the writing that much. It still has my original rating of 5 stars.

Next I read The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich, which was the book of the month for my book club. This was a very Halloween-y book, and I liked a lot of them elements in it. It was diary, but had a lot of police files, interviews, and tapes included, which made it really fun. This was not the most thought out book in terms of plot, but it was still entertaining and enjoyable and got 3 stars.

A World Without You by Beth Revis was a book I was really anticipating. I have read Beth Revis’ Across the Universe trilogy and loved it, so I knew this book would be good. Plus, the cover is absolutely gorgeous. It didn’t disappoint, either. I really liked how the story went hand in hand with mental illness and science fiction, and our main character Bo was one of the sweetest boys I’ve ever read. In the end, I gave in 4 stars.

See my review here

I met Andrew Smith on October 8th, and after that I really wanted to read one of his books again. The Marbury Lens was one of his books that read earlier on, and this gave me a perfect excuse to read it again. I loved it so much more than the first time I read it, and want to read the second one again soon. Definitely 5 stars.

See my review here

Next I read the novella The King of Marbury, which follows right after The Marbury Lens. Andrew Smith actually sent me the link to this book while I was reading The Marbury Lens, and I was super excited to read it. It offered a really interesting perspective, and definitely contributed to the story and earned 4 stars from me.

The Weight of Zero was the sixth book I read in November. The book focuses on Cath, who is dealing with her diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The topic of this book was very close to my heart, and overall, I enjoyed it. I did notice that this book could be triggering to other people, so I would recommend being cautious with it. 4 stars.

See my review here

Fear the Drowning Deep was the book I read for Teenreads.com this month. I had a completely different idea of what the story would be when I read the synopsis compared to what the story actually was. I enjoyed the fact that it incorporated European mythology, but a lot of the elements fell flat for me, so I gave it 3 stars.

See my review here

I have a confession: I’m totally obsessed with Adam Silvera. I love his Twitter and Instagram, and he and his boyfriend is about the cutest thing ever. His debut novel, More Happy Than Not, was just as cool as him. I loved how readable it was and it’s take on sexuality. And I’m so excited to read his new novel, History Is All You Left Me. 4 stars.

See my review here

Lastly, I read the newly released Replica by Lauren Oliver. I have been a huge fan of Lauren Oliver for a while, and I was thrilled when I was gifted this book. Replica includes two books; The stories of Lyra and Gemma. They both intertwine and come up with a really fun, fast paced story that received 4 stars. Review to come soon.

In the month of November, I have a pretty open schedule. I already finished Still Life With Tornado by A.S. King, and loved it. I’m mostly leaving this month open to read whatever I want, but I have a couple of books I really want to get to.

This month for Teenreads.com, I will be reading A Million Worlds Without You, the third book in the Firebird trilogy by Claudia Gray. I loved this trilogy, and am really excited to wrap it up.

I had never heard of The Ghosts of Heaven until it was announced to be the book of the month for my book club. Apparently, it’s really critically acclaimed, so I’m looking forward to it.

Can I count the book I’m the book I’m reading right now? I haven’t even started reading The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid, but it’s the next book I’m reading a page from. It just came out, and it sounds pretty cool.  


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