2016 July Wrap Up & August TBR
I can’t believe it’s August and almost a month since I launched Reanna’s Book Realm! I have been reading and watching monthly wrap ups and TBRs for so long, and I am so excited to finally do one! In the month of July I read a total of of eight books. Not as much as I would’ve like to, but a lot of the books I read this month were 400+ pages. Let’s take a look!
See my review here
See my review here
To be honest, the only reason I read The Running Dream is because there’s a side character with cerebral palsy, which is what I have. However, I was pretty disappointed with this book, and gave it 3 out of 5 stars
Read my commentary here
Read this book. Right now. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir was so amazing, and it was a debut. It offered so much reflection on our society, as well as just human beings in general. I cannot wait until the second one, which comes out at the end of August. I gave this one 5 out of 5 stars!
See my review here
It’s safe to say, I was not impressed with Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. It probably wouldn’t have been so disappointing, but I’ve heard just so many good things about this book. Overall, it was kind of flat, and had a lot of typical YA troupes. 3 out of 5 stars.
See my review here
See my review here
Now, for my TBR! I’m planning to read a lot of books in August before I go back to school, but I’m going to try to keep this list short, since I don’t know for sure which books I’ll be reading.
In case you didn’t know it. Andrew Smith is my favorite author of all time. I have already read almost all of his books, but I plan to re-read them all because he’s coming to my library soon. First, I plan to read In the Path of Falling Objects, which is his only book I haven’t read.
Lastly, I really want to read Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes, which is the sequel to Falling Kingdoms, which I read in July. I already love this series, and can’t wait to continue the story.
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