Throughout my reading adventures, I have found so much series that I enjoy and love. Some, even, I’ve read multiple times. However, there are some series that I just can’t get into, no matter how much praise they receive. Still, if you see a series that you really loved in here, let me know and I’ll give ‘em a second go. In no way are these books bad, they simply haven’t caught my interest enough to keep going.
Series I Have No Interest In Finishing
The Trylle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking: Honestly, I don’t remember much about this series. I know I read the first two, and just had an okay feel from them. The plot wasn’t that spectacular, basically following the storyline of “girl who thinks she’s human is actually a mystical princess” troppe. I do own the third one, but I don’t ever see myself reading it, as I would also have to re-read the first two.
The Gone Series by Michael Grant: Oh boy, these book are huge. I’ve read four of them, and the plot just got boring. The premise itself was interesting: a group of teenagers are left in a town to salvage with no way out. By the third, it seemed that Grant was running out of ideas, though. There was a lot of unnecessary plot fillers, and all of these books could probably be cut in half. At this point, it seems a lot easier to look up the ending than read another 1000+ pages.
The Possession Trilogy by Elena Johnson: I really don’t remember anything from the first book, which I read, in like, 2013. It was published when there was a dystopian craze in YA, and this was just in the mix. Reading the back of it, it sounds like the plot was pretty unoriginal, following the lines of Matched by Ally Condie. If anything, the covers are pretty and it looks nice on my bookshelf.
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: Okay, I know, basically everyone and their mothers love this series. And I get it, I loved it too- at first. I raced through the first one, Cinder, and couldn’t wait till I could get my hands on the second one, Scarlet. I couldn’t do it though. The second one was just so bad. I read it twice even, thinking that the first time I read it I maybe didn’t understand it, but no, it was still bad the second time. Because I tried this twice, I honestly don’t feel bad about putting this series down.

The Red Queen Series by Victoria Aveyard: I know everyone loves this series, but I hated Red Queen so much. The plot was honestly boring, the characters were a-typical, and there wasn’t anything gripping about the story. In the end, I skimmed the last 60 pages of the book, because I just couldn’t stand it.
Series I Probably Won’t Finish
The Hunt Trilogy by Andrew Fukuda: I could still potentially finish this series, being that I just read The Hunt, the first in the trilogy, a couple months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially since it was actually a new take on the century-old vampire book. However, I’m not dying to know what happens yet. I have so many other books to read, and it’s not a priority right now.
The Nevermore Trilogy by Kelly Creagh: I think I read the first one, Nevermore, when I was 12. I actually liked it a lot, but had to wait a year and half for the second one, which I read when it came out. It was okay, but I didn’t like it nearly enough. So, I decided to re- read the first one, which I really disliked the second time around. That, along with the fact that it took four years for the last one, Oblivion, to come out make it really hard to stay interested in this trilogy.
Me Before You Duology by Jojo Moyes: I like to think of the first book, Me Before You, as stand alone book, since I am completely satisfied with the ending of that one. Also, the only reason I was reading the first one was really because of the character Will, but I know Will isn’t in the second one. I’d rather imagine what happens to the rest of the characters, but I’m not opposed to reading After You sometime in the future.
The Archived Series by Victoria Schwab: Now, I had heard so many good things about this series that I finally picked up The Archived last year. However, although the book sounded interesting, I really couldn’t get into it, and found it to be quite boring. Still, I continue to hear raved reviews about The Unbound, which might encourage me to pick it up eventually.
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