Intimidating TBR Tag

Hey all! I have a HUGE TBR (to be read) pile, and I’ve seen this take everywhere, so I thought I’d give it a go!

1. A book on your TBR pile you haven’t finish

For this one, I’d have to say The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I think I started this at the beginning of 2012, when I was really into Twilight. I got about a 100 pages into it, and I really just couldn’t get the storyline, although I enjoyed the movie a lot. I hope to read it sometime soon, but I kind of want to wait until the whole series out (is Stephenie going to write that ever !?!).

2. A book you just haven’t had the time to read

You guys, Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare is huge. Like, 600 pages huge. And don’t get me wrong, I completely love the Shadowhunter books. In fact, I just re-read the Infernal Devices like a week ago, but man, it took so long to get through. This year I’m really trying to read 90 books, and right now I don’t have time to make such a commitment.

3. A book you haven’t read because it’s a sequel

Because It Is My Blood by Gabrielle Zevin, which is the sequel to All These Things I’ve Done. The world in this series is so cool. It’s basically dystopian, but has so much aspects from our society that it’s not too far of a stretch to imagine that it could become a reality. I really need to pick this up soon, because I really did enjoy the first one, and I didn’t read it too long ago, so I remember the storyline pretty clearly still.

4. A book you haven’t read because it’s brand new

I just got The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer (a.k.a. Zac Brewer) about a week ago from a library giveaway. I’ve seen it everywhere, though I don’t know fully what it’s about. It’s fairly short, and I’m hoping to power through it in the next couple of days.

5. A book on your TBR pile by an author you read previously and really didn’t like

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. I have a love-hate relationship with Dessen. I have really enjoyed some of her books, but others I have found to be so superficial with flat characters. Plus, she basically writes a version of the same story over and over again. I have three other books of hers besides this on my TBR, and I don’t know it I’ll ever get around to them.

6. A book on your TBR pile you’re just not in the mood to read

I don’t know anything about The Circle by Dave Eggers, except that it’s about a bunch of rich adults who have troubles with their trust fund. I honestly didn’t even know this book existed until about a month ago, when it was given to me randomly by a teacher. I have read Eggers other books, which I liked, so this book can’t be that bad.

7. A book on your TBR you bought because of the cover

Look at that cover- it’s so beautiful I’ve looked for Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Matche for years and I couldn’t find it anywhere. And there is was, at a library book sale for 10 cents. Of course, I had to get it, and I’m so excited to read it. I don’t know much about it, except for the fact that it’s a retelling of a Shakespeare tale. And honestly, no matter how good or bad this book turn out to be, I’m always keeping it because of the cover.

8. A book on your TBR pile that you haven't read because it's enormous

Can I pick a book I’m currently reading? Last week I decided to tackle A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. I absolutely love the show, so it was about time I picked up the book. It’s like 800 pages, and I’m reading it bit by bit. 10 pages here and there. I really like, though it’s such a heavy read, it’ll probably take me all summer.

9. The book on your TBR pile you find the most intimidating

Definitely The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstein, mostly because I really want this book to live up to the hype. This book has been popular for quite a few years now, and I’ve just now been getting into adult books. It sounds wonderful and has a beautiful cover. But I don’t want to be left down.


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